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This photo, from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders' Twitter account, shows her with President Donald Trump. |
Press Secretary
The White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sarah,
I knew your father, Mike Huckabee, long before you were a gleam in his eye. I also knew him before he—and definitely you—became household names.
I am sure your father and mother must be proud of you—all grown up with a husband and three children and functioning as press secretary in The White House. You fill a very important position in our great country. You are a extremely crucial person in this nation right now.
I was religion editor of The Houston Chronicle, the largest newspaper in Texas at that time, when your father got his early job—as the PR person for Evangelist James Robison. Your dad would come to my office at the Chronicle to deliver his press releases for Rev. Robison. As you know, your dad is a likeable fellow and a good conversationalist. I always enjoyed his visits and allowed him to stay longer than I did most PR types.
I treated your dad with the utmost courtesy and respect. I had no idea who he would become or what position his daughter ultimately would hold. I knew only that he had a job to do and I wanted to help him do it to the best of his ability.
Many people at that time did not like the man for whom your dad worked. Mike told me James loved a story I wrote for the Chronicle about him. The headline said, "Evangelist James Robison: God's Angry Man". My readers thought I described James accurately and were amazed that I would be so blunt. Mike's publicity about James even picked up the title "God's Angry Man".
After those initial contacts, I followed your dad's career with growing fascination. I knew he was a "riser" in Baptist circles, but I, like many others, didn't see what was beyond the horizon for him. I was surprised when Mike left the pastorate in Arkansas to first run for the U.S. Senate and then governor of Arkansas and finally President of the United States. You, of course, by then were along for the ride. I even visited your father one time at his office in the capitol in Little Rock, partly just to reassure myself that the Mike Huckabee I knew years earlier was indeed the Gov. Mike Huckabee occupying the same office that President Bill Clinton had once filled before moving on to the White House.
Even though I never met you, I enjoyed hearing and reading stories about your family while you were growing up—including the ones about when your mother and father both went on those extreme diets and took up healthy eating and lifestyles—and also when your family moved out of the Arkansas governor's mansion and into a manufactured home while the mansion was being restored. That must have been a fascinating way for you and your brothers to grow up!
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Houston Chronicle reporter Louis Moore on assignment in Moscow about the time that he first met Sarah Huckabee Sanders' father, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. |
When your dad first ran for President of the United States, he had no bigger fan than me. I wanted to arrange a meet-and-greet for him at my home here in Garland, TX, but my Republican friends here discouraged me because they didn't believe Mike had a fighting chance and tried to convince me that by the time we could set up a Huckabee event here, he would have pulled out of the race. When he did emerge briefly as a front runner, I found it extremely difficult to reach him and invite him to our community—and my nay-saying Republican friends here were embarrassed by their original negativity and were of little help.
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Louis Moore to Sarah Huckabee Sanders: I want you to succeed, but that's not happening right now because you are angering too many Americans as well as allies overseas. (Internet photo) |
Unfortunately, that's not what is happening right now. You know without my telling you that most people trained in journalism (as I am), most Democrats, many Independents, and even many Republicans are not pleased with your performance. They see you as a politician blindly defending a President who is at best puzzling. In doing so, you come across as angry, defensive, and hostile to the news media. Some now are even labeling you as dishonest. That hurts me almost as much as I know it hurts you.
Yes, you have every reason to be upset with your critics. The political environment today is mean and ugly. Many people, including your Big Boss in the White House, are responsible for this mood. But don't be a victim of it. You are on the public stage modeling for many young women and men how to be a leader and what it means to be a role model. You are one of the few millennials and professional women in this President's inner circle.
You are definitely not the first press spokesperson in the White House—Republican or Democrat—to face a less-than-friendly press corps. Nor will you be the last one. Reporters by their very nature believe it is their job to ferret out the real story—the real news and not what some self-serving political leader claims to be the truth. We journalists are trained to ask the difficult questions to find out what the facts in any given situation really are. I would have it no other way, because I've seen how deception, half-truths, and outright lies can do to harm to our wonderful country.
Please allow me to give you some friendly advice: Treat all members of the news media like I treated your father—with respect, courtesy, and decency. Let them do their jobs. Don't take personally anything someone says about you—or the President. Don't strike back. Show grace under fire! Remember that The Fourth Estate is an important part of our country's freedoms. Just like the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court, members of the news media are real people who make mistakes sometimes but who deserve your forgiveness, appreciation, and respect. They care deeply for our country and for the principles of truth and freedom for which our country stands.
I was once in the press room in the West Wing when former President Jimmy Carter was the occupant of the White House. I remember vividly how vicious I thought the press—particularly females in the press corps—were about First Lady Rosalynn Carter. I admired the way Mrs. Carter turned a deaf ear to all her critics. She went about her business as graciously as any Southern-bred lady could or would.
Perhaps you should give Mrs. Carter a call to find out how the former President is doing these days and in the process ask her how she held up so elegantly with so many yapping at her heels in that day. In doing so, you will show citizens of this great nation what true servant leadership is all about.
You surely realize part of the anger you face today is because so many are not pleased with the performance of your boss, the present occupant of the Oval Office. They see him more like many saw your dad's first employer—angry and throwing torches at many, many people and institutions.
I am displeased with the way this President treats women, Latinos, and other ethnic and religious minority groups in this country. He needs to cease his inappropriate and inflammatory words and adopt the words of Jesus that your father used to preach from his pulpits in Arkansas: "So in everything do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12 NIV)
And his Twitter account needs to be deleted. He needs to let you do your job and not let Twitter be the spokesperson for this administration! He's probably having a ball with all the turmoil he's stirring up with Twitter, but it needs to stop. You're the one who can make that happen! Tell him it's your job to share news from the White House, including his comments on various topics. His job is to lead this country, not divide it.
I wish you would turn your attentions away from disagreements with CNN and other bonafide media outlets to helping this President do better at his job than he is currently doing. To many of us he appears reckless and careening out of control. You can help dispel that image and help him do a better job at what he was elected to do—not by arguing but by actions which are always better than words!
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Former Presidential candidate and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is the father of White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. (Internet photo) |
At the same time, I'm pleased with some of the things this president has done that I have long advocated—for instance, direct face-to-face talks with North Korean leaders and better relations with the Russian people. Help him concentrate on issues like these and not angry fights with people, including members of the news media, who are citizens of the United States of America and our friends overseas.
What we need in this country are leaders willing to work together for the common good, not leaders sowing discord everywhere they go and with every word they say—or tweet.
With the mid-term elections now over, it is even more imperative that you help this President do a better job than he is doing right now. The country is badly divided. Our country is facing an extremely difficult time ahead. You have the power in your hands to help somewhat diffuse the difficulties facing us.
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Mike and Janet Huckabee with daughter Sarah Huckabee Sanders |
You, Sarah, are in a unique position in this country to help. Like Queen Esther in the Old Testament—whom you must have studied during Sunday School and Vacation Bible School when you were growing up in a Baptist pastor's home,—". . . who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 NIV)
Being born a Baptist pastor's daughter first, being reared a politician's daughter second, and now being a person in an extremely unique political role in our nation, I want you to know that we pray for you that you will have the courage of Esther, the faith of Mary, and the leadership skills of Phoebe.
Seize the moment and do what you know is right, not what is politically expedient. Build bridges, practice forgiveness, show us that you truly understand the role of the Fourth Estate, and lead like the country depends on you. In many ways it does.
Louis Moore
Garland, TX
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